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THE GATHERING STORM: IRAN COULD MAKE BOMB DESPITE HURDLES, NEW REPORT SAYS: Tehran now has enough enriched uranium for at least 4 nuclear warheads


A storm is gathering against America, Israel and the Church, yet so many of our leaders seem to be asleep — unaware of the threats or unwilling to deal with them decisively.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE (Sat): Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz al-Saud Is Dead

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE (Fri): The Obama administration has decided to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of the year after failing to reach an agreement with the Iraqi government that would have left several thousand troops there for special operations and training,” reports the Washington Post. More details and coverage from CNN.

Fox News reported last month that “senior [military] commanders are said to be livid at the decision [to remove U.S. troops from Iraq], which has already been signed off by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) told Fox that reducing the troop presence in Iraq “would put at risk all the United States has fought for in Iraq.” Graham added: “The biggest winner of a U.S. decision to move to 3,000 troops in Iraq would the Iranian regime. The ayatollahs would rejoice.”

The administration’s move — combined with the precipitous drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan — increasingly creates a vacuum in the Middle East that the mullahs in Iran are eager and able to fill. Indeed, one of the most serious threats facing us now is the prospect of the mullahs in Iran building nuclear weapons and using them against us and our allies, based on their genocidal End Times theology. This is why I wrote The Tehran Initiative, to help people imagine some of the worst case scenarios if we don’t take decisive action to neutralize the Iran threat. Though the book is fiction, the issues at the heart of the novel, unfortunately, are all too real. Indeed, this week brought more sobering news of how steadily Iran is moving towards that day. Consider the latest developments:

Inexplicably, President Obama is not taking decisive action to neutralize the Iranian threat. None of the GOP presidential candidates have given a major policy address focused on the Iran issue, either. But two NATO allies are speaking out.

As most of you know, tomorrow — Saturday, October 22nd — we are airing a national simulcast entitled, “The Gathering Storm: An Urgent Call To Prayer, Fasting and Repentance for America, Israel and the Church in the Light of Bible Prophecy.” While we had originally hoped to do the event live, for several logistical reasons we had to pre-tape “The Gathering Storm” event during the first weekend in October to be aired tomorrow. In my talk, I discussed seven geopolitical and spiritual storms facing America, Israel and the Church. Then I fielded nearly two hours of excellent questions from the audience and from Facebook participants all over the country. Obviously, the events of the last few days regarding Gaddafi and the Iranian terror plot weren’t covered as they hadn’t happened when we pre-taped. But these events just further illustrate “The Gathering Storm” continues to become ever more serious.

I hope you can join us for this remarkable event. There is still time today for your church to sign up to host this simulcast in your church. Please note that this event can only be viewed at churches hosting the special simulcast, or for home fellowship groups or small group Bible study groups who register for the event. Details are available by clicking here, including a list of churches around the country that are hosting the simulcast.  The event won’t be available on for individuals to watch on the web tomorrow.

Whether you can watch or not, please keep our country, the nation of Israel, and the Church in your prayers.


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