This Christmas, give your family the gift of Israel & Egypt! Come join Lynn and me on The Joshua Fund’s next “Prayer & Vision Trip” in October 2020 and watch the Bible come alive in ways you’ve never imagined. Reserve your place today!


Looking for a great gift, one sure to create memories that will last a lifetime?

This Christmas, give your family the gift of Israel and Egypt!

Lynn and I cordially invite you to join us and our board and staff for The Joshua Fund’s next “Prayer & Vision Tour,” taking place from October 13th through the 24th, 2020.

If you’ve never been to the Holy Land, it’s hard to describe what a profound spiritual effect such a journey can have on you and your family. You may have heard people say that God’s Word seemed to “come alive” in a new way when they walked where Jesus walked, from the shores of Galilee to the Mount of Olives and into the streets of Jerusalem. It’s true, and we would love to share it all with you.

Plus, for the first time ever, we hope to offer an optional “Egypt Extension” from October 24-27, 2020. Come explore the land of legendary Pharaohs. Visit the Pyramids. Take a dinner cruise on the Nile. See mummies and other ancient artifacts in Cairo’s famous Egyptian Museum. Learn the Biblical history and prophetic future of this remarkable country. And meet and pray for Egyptian Christians.

What better time to sharpen our spiritual eyesight than in the year 2020!

If you’ve been to Israel before, this trip will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of how powerfully the Lord is moving there. After all, this tour is like no other. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with and pray for local Israeli and Palestinian pastors and ministry leaders — both Jewish and Arab — on the frontlines of the faith, as well as participate in a practical ministry project to bless the poor and needy. I will also teach at key locations and answer your questions about the future of the Epicenter.

Nothing says “Merry Christmas” like coming as a family to the Land of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Jesus and the Twelve. Please prayerfully consider joining us. Lynn I would so love to see you here in Israel and in Egypt in 2020!

To view the brochure, please click here.

To watch a video, learn more details, and to register, please click here.


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