What was it like to have breakfast with President Trump? (My interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on the President’s remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast.)

joel-andersoncooper(Washington, D.C.) — The Twitterverse blew up Thursday almost the moment President Trump started speaking to the 4,000 guests gathered from all over the U.S. and the world — including the King and Queen of Jordan and the Speaker of the Israeli parliament — to attend the National Prayer Breakfast.

Many in the media pounced on the speech, as well.

I actually thought it was quite good. There were some classic Trump moments that I wish weren’t in there. But overall, I was actually quite impressed with both the speech itself and the measured way he delivered it.

As it happened, Anderson Cooper invited me onto his program that evening to discuss what it was like to be an Evangelical Christian in the ballroom watching the speech, especially as one who used to be a “Never Trumper”.

Here’s my interview on CNN.

Please post your comments on my “Epicenter Team” page on Facebook. I’d love your take. I’m already hearing from a lot of people who will never watch CNN. Fair enough. But as Evangelicals we shouldn’t just be talking to ourselves. We need to interact with those who disagree with us. I really appreciated the note from one person who said they haven’t  watched CNN in 17 years but did that night to see me. That was very kind!



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